Wednesday, February 1, 2012


The 3 classes of Levers

Dough experiment

Lever experiment
Schematics diagram

Removing stains experiment


  1. We have done an experiment on tomato plants and fertalisers.We have eight tomato plants in styraphone cups. We put soil in the cups with the tomatoe plants and have added different amounts of mixed water and fertiliser.We are gong to see which grows the best.

  2. We have also made little hot air ballons using a plastic bag, string and a thick tissue.We are teasting them out with differnet masses and seeing what the time difference is.

  3. This week in Science we checked on our tomato plants and some of them are lokking good but others arent.We measured them so for next time we can see how high they have grown.

  4. We also finished our experiment on parachutes.The parachute worked really well and the experiment was successfull.

  5. On Friday we learnt about Observing and Inferences.
    OBSERVING - Is looking at something and making an educated guess using your senses.
    INFERENCES - Is using your observations to make an educated guess.

    We watched a candle for about ten minutes melting and making observations and ofrences about it as if we were describingthe candle to someone who couldnt see or feel.

  6. We checked our tomatoe plants 2 this week and watered them with 25ml of water.

  7. The tomatoe plant ewith the most furtiliser has died and the ones with even amoutns of furtiliser are going well so far.Next week i am going to see if the tomatoe plant with water has grown or died.

  8. This week in Science we have also been given our assesment task which is too make up an experiment for example which washing powder works best on stains.We have to make a hypothesis then we have to write down all the variables and choose the one we are going to change.We then have to observe our experiments and record what is happening.We then have to see if our hypothesis was correct.
    I am not quit sure whwat experiment i am going to do , they have given us a list of things we can do but i want to do something original.I was thinking of maybe something to do with transport and what gets you to a destination fastes but that was just an idea.They are marking us oin how much effort we put intio the experiment and we should do something that we have interest in.

  9. We also did the steps of an experiment:
    see pictures above, it is a mixture between the 2.

  10. We also did an experiment on which washing powder is best at removing stains. The variable was the washing powders we used but the variabels we had to keep the same was the tempreture of the water, the type of fsbric, the amount of stain ( which in this case was lipstick) and thew way and time you washed the fabric with the stain.
    The different tyoes of washing powder were cold power ( which was supposedly the best) surf, omo , No Frills and one with with just water.In our case we had four pices of the same type and sized material we then put a 6 centimetre x on each of the pieces of material and then traced ont he lipstick.We then got an ice cream container and pured 500 ml of ater with a massive teste tube into the ice cream conatiner with 50ml of washing powder and stirred it.Then we swooshed the fabric around for 1 minutes then scrubed/ dunked it for 15 seconds then we washed for 15 seconds in water and squeesed the excess water out of it.We did this for all 5 pieces the we calculated the percentage that was washed off in the end omo won for us.

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  13. We are doing a booklet on Atoms:
    Hydrogen – H
    Carob – C
    Nitrogen – N
    Oxygen – 0
    Fluorine – F
    Sodium – Na
    Magnesium – Mg
    Aluminium – Al
    Phosphorus – P
    Sulphur -S
    Chlorine – Cl
    Potassium – K
    Calcium – Ca
    - Chemistry concepts review
    - CXlassification of matter
    - Mixture and a compound
    - Elements, compounds and mixtures
    - Elements
    - A Christians perspective on Chemistry
    - Classifying elements
    - Experiment – metals and non – metals
    - Electrolysis of water
    - Extracting copper from Malachite
    - Formulas of compounds
    - Behaviour of compounds
    - Molecular modelling
    - Chemical equations
    - Physical and Chemical Change
    - Open ended investigation ( effect of particle size on reaction rate)
    - The structure of Atoms
    - Building Atoms
    We are now doing a booklet in machines:

  14. In science this week we have continued our booklet on machines.

  15. We did an experiment:
    1. built the lever / see- saw type thing
    2. built amounts od mass on each end
    3. move tehm up and and down to see how far apart the masses neede to be to balance.

  16. This week in science we have been looking at the difernet classes of levers.

    Levers are classified by the relative positions of the fulcrum and the input and output forces. It is common to call the input force the effort and the output force the load or the resistance. This allows the identification of three classes of levers by the relative locations of the fulcrum, the resistance and the effort.

    Class 1: Fulcrum in the middle: the effort is applied on one side of the fulcrum and the resistance on the other side, for example, a crowbar or a pair of scissors or a seesaw.

    Class 2: Resistance in the middle: the effort is applied on one side of the resistance and the fulcrum is located on the other side, for example, a wheelbarrow or a nutcracker or a bottle opener.

    Class 3: Effort in the middle: the resistance is on one side of the effort and the fulcrum is located on the other side, for example, a pair of tweezers or the human mandible.

  17. For the 3 differnet classs of levers we built them and tested them out with different masses.
